CASE STUDY: Successful Sales Event - Achieving 44x ROAS through Facebook Ads

the objective

A leading UK retailer of personal protective equipment (PPE), partnered with The Hive Agency to launch their latest mega event campaign. The aim was to raise awareness online of the sales event, promoting the deals that would be available. This would maximise online sales conversions and in-store sales during the event.

strategy & execution

The Hive Agency supported the client with an integrated paid social media campaign in the UK, executed in two phases via Facebook Ads. In the first phase, the objective was to drive website visits and build awareness before the sales event started. The Hive Agency targeted users based on relevant interests and geography while also targeting the client’s customer list and audiences similar to those in their list. By using various audience groups, The Hive Agency significantly increased the reach, building up sufficient warm audiences for the next phase.

In the second phase, which commenced at the beginning of the sales event, the objective was to increase sales conversions. Houston retargeted those who expressed an interest in the first phase, which proved a success considering this audience had been frequently exposed to the messaging.


  • Achieved just under 10k landing page views at a cost of £0.22 per result

  • 12.6k post engagements including clicks, likes, and comments

  • Campaign reached individuals on average 2 times (2.99 frequency) for building a retargeting campaign and exposure/brand recognition


  • 796 online purchases made with an estimated value of £158.7k

  • Achieved a ROAS of £53 for every £1 spent on ads

The success of the campaign was due to The Hive Agency’s strategic approach in targeting the right audiences with the right messaging. By building up warm audiences in the first phase, the Hive Agency was able to retarget those most likely to convert in the second phase. The integrated approach also allowed for a consistent brand message across all touchpoints.

Overall, the mega event campaign was a great success, raising awareness of the sales event and driving online and in-store sales. By partnering with The Hive Agency, the client was able to execute a well-planned and effective digital marketing campaign, resulting in impressive results.

Are you interested in running a successful sales campaign with Facebook Ads? Learn more about or social media advertising services here.

the results

The campaign achieved impressive results, exceeding the client’s expectations. The Hive Agency’s approach resulted in a significant increase in website traffic during the first phase, with 450,000 impressions and 9,200 link clicks. During the second phase, the retargeting campaign achieved a return on ad spend (ROAS) of 44.51, exceeding the target of 3.

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If you're looking to boost your brand's visibility and drive sales, The Hive Agency can help. We offer a range of digital marketing services tailored to meet your specific needs.

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