We GET quality leads

for tradespeople,

with google ads.

✅ Land more and higher-paying jobs

✅ Proven Google Advertising Model

✅ Stay busy with profitable work

✅ Start promptly and effortlessly

Ideal for the entire construction and trades industry, including: electricians, roofers, landscapers, plumbers, heating engineers and building contractors.

Learn how tradespeople are boosting their monthly revenue each year.

Our Process

A simple process for big results

10-minute discovery call

From an initial enquiry, we’ll organise a convenient phone call to acquaint ourselves with you and delve deeper into understanding your business.

Building your campaign

Based on your services and location, we launch tailored Google Ad campaigns to generate a consistent flow of quality leads.

Receive Jobs

You receive high-paying, quality local leads as we pro-actively improve your ROI overtime.





  • We specialise in placing your business at the forefront of online searches using Google Ads. This involves strategic placement of advertisements within Google's search results.

  • By leveraging Google Ads, your business gains increased visibility, leading to more clicks, generating more leads, and ultimately contributing to an upswing in revenue.

    This service is particularly tailored to meet the unique needs of the UK trades industry.

  • Our team is equipped with expertise specifically tailored to the intricacies of the UK trades industry. This industry-focused approach ensures that your Google Ads strategy is not only effective but also aligns seamlessly with the dynamics of your business sector.


  • We specialise in crafting visually stunning and persuasive advertisements for your brand, strategically placed on various social media platforms.

  • Our ads are designed to create an unforgettable brand presence, capturing attention and generating leads with every scroll.

    We focus on creating messages that resonate with your audience, ensuring a lasting impact beyond a simple click.

  • Beyond just creating ads, we understand the importance of creating ads that stick with your audience.

    Our approach goes beyond the visual, aiming to establish a connection that lasts. We believe in the power of social media as a platform for storytelling and engagement.

Organic Social meDIA

  • Our service revolves around cultivating genuine connections and fostering customer loyalty through organic social media strategies.

  • We aim to build a thriving online community around your business, translating followers into long-term customers.

    The emphasis is on creating authentic relationships and reputation that extend beyond mere transactions.

  • Our unique approach combines authenticity with visibility. We don't just focus on numbers; we focus on building a community that genuinely cares about your brand.

    Turning followers into brand advocates is at the core of our strategy.


Guaranteed new customers

We’ll put your website in front of the right people through results-driven ads, focusing on more profitable work.

DOminate your local area

We’ll help you build more trust and credibility with verified reviews from your new and existing customers.

On-Hand Consutlancy

We offer expert marketing consulting from digital optimisations to scaling up.

MaximiSe LOCAL Visibility WITH the Power of Google My Business.

Our specialised strategies ensure your business excels in local searches and we understand the pivotal role Google My Business plays for unparalleled success.

From creating an appealing profile to managing reviews, we optimise every aspect for maximum visibility. All you have to do is continue delivering your excellent service!

PRECISE google Ads THAT GENERATE Real Results.

We create persuasive, budget-friendly ads that ensure maximum engagement and higher click-through rates.

Our strategic use of relevant keywords guarantees that your business appears when potential customers search for your services.

With a focus on driving traffic to your website and social media platforms, we are committed to delivering expert advertising services that translate into paying customers, ultimately enhancing your ROI.

Success stories

Explore how our tailored digital strategies have turbocharged our client's growth.

Each case study below shines a spotlight on our knack for using Google and Facebook ads to boost your online visibility, ramp up revenue, and reel in top-notch leads for our valued clients.


Are you ready

to take your business

to new heights?

Let us demonstrate the fastest and most cost-effective way to gain better quality, higher-paying work in your local area.

“Partnering with The Hive Agency has been instrumental in our growth, leading to significant increases in local work.”

Jackson Rivers

AquaFlow Plumbing